Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So now the question is: In the ideal world, if we could continue forever, what would I wanna do?
What am I going to do with what I've learned?

In this world where classes never end (I shudder to think...) I think I would want to learn how to make longer pieces, almost film like...not quite though. I think I would want to learn how to put it all together...remembering my letter twisting roots and continuing with video poetry full of sound and wonderment.

What AM I going to do with what I've learned...that's a whole other question...

Since I'm hoping to go to grad school, I really want to bring a new eye and a new perspective to classic literature and new students...I want to explore Shakespeare in a new way...how would he have used this technology and why? I want to reassess the way in which I create my art...what can I do with my photography, music and writing with animation? How can I showcase what I love and what I do in one forum?

Of course, on the business end, I'll most likely be putting together some slideshows for the couples I shoot for...Cause people eat that stuff up...hahaha.

I don't want to forget the things I have learned here. I want to incorporate these new techniques along with the classic literature and minority lit I have studied - I want to use each perspective to analyze the others, and I want to feel comfortable creating something using flash that expresses who I am...

I might rename this blog, or maybe even start a new one, but I think this won't be the last of me and my animations, especially if this final one goes the way I'm thinking...

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