Thursday, December 10, 2009

What helped me learn in this class?

I think more than any technical prowess, I've learned that the definition of "literature" is a lot more fluid than I had expected. I thought this class would be focusing on graphic novels or comic writing of some kind, and I was pleasantly surprised.

At times, I felt as if the readings detracted from what I was trying to get at - I didn't always feel that they aided in my writings or projects - at the same time, I know it's important to know the history of the genre we're studying, but it felt like too much all at once.

I really wish I had more technical time with flash. At the end, I wasn't even able to finish my project because of the coding. I feel like there needs to be a point in the semester - before the short project - where the focus shifts to technical instruction. It's frustrating to know what you want to do, know that the software is capable to complete what that is but have no way of actually doing it. I know that we aren't going to leave here experts, but I feel that we should know how to incorporate video without running into problems, and that we should know how to incorporate interactivity.

Maybe having a Flash handbook or something for this class would be helpful - I used the online source a lot, but frankly, I never could quite find what I was looking for. Perhaps if there were tutorials of what we learned in class on our course website that would help - many times I could not recall all the steps of a technical move, and if it is referenced in class, it should be on our course website as a lecture in terms we can understand.

I just feel like I was limited by what I knew how to do - I got frustrated not because I did not have ideas or vision, but because I could not do what was necessary to complete my project.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Research Project

So I've had a ton of technical difficulties, as well as I'm sick...I don't know if I'll be in class, but my work certainly will be!

Here is the paper, it should open a download box right away.

And my supplement.

Good night and good luck. I'm going to go back to being sick. :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How has this class changed me?

So, how will I be different after this? I really like the question of how I will teach differently...

Anyone, first of all, I've learned that literature isn't just in a book...I guess poetry feels more real to me on a computer screen than on a piece of paper which is a foreign concept to be honest, I've never been a big believer in poetry.

I think I'm going to be a different teacher than when I started this class...since I want to teach...I think I'm going to end up being a lot more open to new waves of literature, new thoughts and ideas.

I think I'm going to try and keep up with what I've been doing here. I don't feel like this should be over...I'm kind of mad at myself for not discovering all this sooner, when I would have more time to explore.

I think I'm going to approach new things differently...I think I'm going to read and wonder what things would look like with motion...what if Yeats had flash when he wrote? What would he look like on screen?

Also, I feel that I'm not done yet, with flash or with experimental lit. I think I'm pretty happy with what I've accomplished and I see a new way to combine the things I love.


So based on my feedback, I have some minor changes to make to the animation everyone saw (video2). Also, because of what I read, I'm going to make some major changes to the third video which is the all-English version of my poetry...I feel now I need to have it be closely related to the other two instead of just another piece of it.

So, I still have substantial work to do, but I'm happy.


That is all...

PS: I was surprised at the amount of good feedback I got...I am encouraged.